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2018 WFSTAR: Deployment - Indians Fire

Indians Fire fire shelter deployment. NIFC video

2024 BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro (WHB) online CAWP Gathers Training

Course Code: 2024-BLM-TC-4700-13-eDOIU

Target Audience:  ​Any persons assisting/attending Wild Horse and Burros Gathers including BLM employees, Contractors, and Partners.

This 1 hour long online annual training class will provide learners with an overview of the comprehensive animal welfare standards that apply to Wild Horse and Burro Gathers and an overview of the following:

  • What is Animal Welfare?
  • Why is Animal Welfare Important?
  • What is the CAWP?
  • What is the purpose of the WHB CAWP?
  • What components make up the CAWP?
  • How do the elements of the CAWP work?
  • How the assessment process works
  • Required documentation and what are the responsibilities of the Lead COR/COR/PI

Course Objectives:  After completion you will: 

  • Understand the importance of Animal Welfare.
  • Know the standards of the CAWP for Wild Horse and Burro Gathers.
  • Be informed on the CAWP assessment process at Wild Horse and Burro Gathers.

2024 Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events Training

Target Audience:  ​Any persons assisting with the Wild Horse & Burro Program including BLM employees, Contractors, and Partners.

This 1 hour long annual training class will provide learners with an overview of the comprehensive animal welfare standards that apply to Off-Range Corrals, Transportation and Adoption/Sale Events and an overview of the following:

  • What is Animal Welfare?
  • Why is Animal Welfare Important?
  • What is the CAWP?
  • What is the purpose of the WHB CAWP?
  • What components make up the CAWP?
  • How do the elements of the CAWP work?
  • How the assessment process works.
  • Required documentation and what are the responsibilities of the authorized officer.

Course Objectives: Completion of this course will enable you to:

  • Understand the importance of Animal Welfare.
  • Learn the standards of the CAWP for Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events.
  • Be informed on the CAWP assessment process at Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events.

2025 Bicycle Subsidy Benefit Program

Target Audience:  All DOI employees who wish to obtain the bicycle subsidy benefit.

Description:  This course will provide an overview of the Federal government's bicycle subsidy benefit.  It will discuss benefit requirements, internal controls and participant roles and responsibilities.  Successful completion of this course is required for DOI employees who wish to obtain the bicycle subsidy benefit in FY 2025.

2025 Transit Benefit Integrity Awareness Training

Target Audience: All DOI employees who wish to obtain transit benefits in FY 2025.

Description: This course will provide an overview of the Federal government's transit benefit. It will discuss benefit requirements, internal controls and participant roles and responsibilities. Successful completion of this course is required for DOI employees who wish to obtain transit benefits in the FY 2025.

Click the course title link below to access the course.  Once you complete this course, be sure to print your Certificate of Completion.

A-100 Basic Aviation Safety (All Aircraft)

The purpose of this course is to provide the aviation user with a foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities, to safely utilize aircraft to accomplish agency missions. Topics include Mission Preparation and Planning, Pilot and Aircraft Briefings, Operational Safety, Post-Flight Duties, and UAS. Note: A-100 now Incorporates A-116 General Awareness Security Training, which is no longer a separate course.

A-110 Aviation Transport of HAZMAT

The Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Materials course purpose is to ensure flight safety when transporting hazardous materials (HAZMAT). This includes HAZMAT aboard, attached to, or suspended from government aircraft, under the exclusive direction and operational control of the Department of the Interior (DOI), the US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USDA-FS), or other Grantees with a written Grantee Status.

This training complies with the US Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulations General Requirements, whereby agency employees who transport hazardous materials by air must receive training on the requirements and conditions under the terms of the DOT Special Permit-9198.

Topics may include:
- Handling Procedures
- Policy Requirements
- Mishap Notification
- Packaging
- Identifying Hazardous Materials
- Safety Requirements

A-200 Mishap Review

This course provides an annual overview of the National Transportation Safety Board releasable information from the DOI and USDA-FS aviation mishaps and lessons learned. Instructors authorized to teach this course are required to coordinate with the appropriate agency DOI OAS Chief, Aviation Safety, Training, Program Evaluations & Quality Management, or USDA-FS Regional Aviation Safety Manager (RASM).

For additional USDA-FS information, contact the USDA-FS National Aviation Training Program Manager.

A-450 Small UAS Basic Remote Pilot

This is the fundamental small UAS course for individuals wanting to become qualified to operate small UAS for the Department of the Interior (DOI)/US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USDA-FS). A-450 will utilize small UAS aircraft (less than 55lbs) to provide the basic academic and flight training necessary to conduct missions as Remote Pilot-in-Command (RPIC) for DOI/FS.

Candidates must be nominated by National UAS Program Managers or designee.

Students should meet the prerequisite requirements prior to attending A-450. Some required IAT courses may not be available prior to A-450 training selection, but UAS pilots must complete all IAT training requirements within 6 months of A-450 selection.

Note: For further information, contact your DOI National Aviation Manager or USFS Regional UAS Specialist for guidance regarding how to begin a UAS program.

Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Seed Technology and Restoration Course

Target Audience:  Anyone interested in implementing Arid and Semi-Arid restoration projects including: Emergency Stabilization & Rehabilitation (ES&R) Plan Developers; Rangeland Management Specialists; Wildlife Biologists; Riparian Specialists; Foresters; Threatened & Endangered Species Biologists; Fisheries Biologists; Realty Specialists; Mineral, Oil & Gas Personnel; Botanists; Natural Resource Specialists; Fuels Specialists; Restoration Practitioners.  

Course Description:  This self-paced on-line course is intended to serve as an introduction to seed technology and Arid and Semi-Arid lands restoration as a first step towards more in-depth in person restoration and revegetation courses.

Course Objectives:  By the end of the course, participants will have an understanding of:  Ecological Restoration principles, standards of practice, and concepts to increase the success of restoration efforts in Arid and Semi-Arid ecosystems and the challenges they pose to successful restoration, and how to apply ecological restoration best practices and concepts in restoration planning.

The course consists of the following modules/lessons. Each are accessed separately and must be taken in sequential order.

Module 1:  Introduction
Module 2:  The National Seed Strategy

Module 3:  Principles, Standards and Concepts

Lesson 3.1:  Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration
Lesson 3.2:  Principles, Standards and Concepts - Native Seed Standards

Module 4:  Arid and Semi-Arid Systems

Lesson 4.1:  Overview of Drylands
Lesson 4.2:  Restoration Challenges
Lesson 4.3:  Current Knowledge

Module 5:  Developing and Implementing a Restoration Plan 

Lesson 5.1:  Project Context
Lesson 5.2:  Vision, Goals, and Objectives
Lesson 5.3:  Plant Materials Selection and Procurement
Lesson 5.4:  Site Preparation
Lesson 5.5:  Developing and Implementing Seeding and Planting Strategies
Lesson 5.6:  Monitoring and Management
Lesson 5.7:  Putting It All Together

Basics of Museum Collections Care

This course is designed as an introduction to basic concepts of museum collections care and management for DOI employees, collateral duty employees, contractors, and volunteers. This course will help you to identify when it is appropriate and necessary to call a curator, conservator, or specialist.

BIA Travel eBook 
BLM 4x4 Safe Driving ProgramTarget Audience: DOI Employees who drive 4x4 on and off road.

Description: This BLM 4X4 Safe Driving Program is designed to provide drivers with the knowledge to handle the increased challenges of driving off-highway vehicles. The program will give you a better understanding of the unique characteristics associated with 4X4 vehicles such as:

  • Vehicle handling
  • Preventive maintenance checks
  • Cargo security
  • Engaging and disengaging four-wheel drive systems
  • Tire chain installation
  • Vehicle recovery

You will also better understand the unique characteristics associated with driving vehicles on:

  • Unpaved or poorly maintained surfaces
  • Sand
  • Snow
  • Mud, and
  • other conditions unique to off-highway driving

This course is strictly knowledge/comprehension base and will address the hands-on application that will occur in the field. Contact your local state safety lead for more information on Instructor-led hands-on training opportunities.

Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) of Forests in Tropical Countries



This e-learning course will introduce you to the idea of continuous degradation detection, or CODED, and how it can be used to monitor and forecast forest health. By taking this course you will learn about:

1. The challenges of forest degradation monitoring

2. The methodology and purpose of CODED algorithm

3. Spectral un-mixing and the Normalized Difference Fraction Index (NDFI)

4. How degradation and natural disturbances are distinguished from deforestation


Who will benefit from this course include:

1. Remote sensing specialist in countries reporting to REDD+

2. Officials working on understanding the role of forest degradation on carbon emission

3. Students of remote sensing in forestry applications

4. Individuals interested in estimation of land cover change using earth observation


Approximately 2 hours

Course No.:  USGS-GSP-21-135

Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) of Forests in Tropical Countries - French Version



This e-learning course will introduce you to the idea of continuous degradation detection, or CODED, and how it can be used to monitor and forecast forest health. By taking this course you will learn about:

1. The challenges of forest degradation monitoring

2. The methodology and purpose of CODED algorithm

3. Spectral un-mixing and the Normalized Difference Fraction Index (NDFI)

4. How degradation and natural disturbances are distinguished from deforestation


Who will benefit from this course include:

1. Remote sensing specialist in countries reporting to REDD+

2. Officials working on understanding the role of forest degradation on carbon emission

3. Students of remote sensing in forestry applications

4. Individuals interested in estimation of land cover change using earth observation


Approximately 2 hours

Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) of Forests in Tropical Countries - Spanish Version



Este curso de aprendizaje electrónico le presentará la idea de la detección continua de la degradación, o codificación y cómo se puede utilizar para monitorear y pronosticar el estado de los bosques.

Al realizar este curso, aprenderá sobre:

1. Los desafíos del seguimiento de la degradación forestal

2. La metodología y el propósito del algoritmo CODED

3. Espectral sin mezclas y índice de fracción de diferencia normalizada (NDFI)

4. Cómo se distinguen la degradación y las perturbaciones naturales de la deforestación


Quienes se beneficiarán de este curso:

1. Especialista en teledetección en países que reportan a REDD +

2. Funcionarios que trabajan para comprender el papel de la degradación forestal en las emisiones de carbono.

3. Estudiantes de teledetección en aplicaciones forestales

4. Personas interesadas en estimar el cambio de la cobertura terrestre mediante la observación de la tierra.

Recursos y lenguajes de codificación sugeridos antes de comenzar este e-learning - Descripción general de Earth Engine - Earth Engine 101 - JavaScript, imágenes, colecciones, mapa y reducción


Aproximadamente 2 horas.

Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) of Forests in Tropical Countries - Vietnamese version



This e-learning course will introduce you to the idea of continuous degradation detection, or CODED, and how it can be used to monitor and forecast forest health. By taking this course you will learn about:

1. The challenges of forest degradation monitoring

2. The methodology and purpose of CODED algorithm

3. Spectral un-mixing and the Normalized Difference Fraction Index (NDFI)

4. How degradation and natural disturbances are distinguished from deforestation


Who will benefit from this course include:

1. Remote sensing specialist in countries reporting to REDD+

2. Officials working on understanding the role of forest degradation on carbon emission

3. Students of remote sensing in forestry applications

4. Individuals interested in estimation of land cover change using earth observation


Approximately 2 hours

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Module

Target Audience:  New DOI employees who were directed to complete this training prior to onboarding.

Summary and Objectives:  The Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Module is an introduction to the Federal CUI Program that was authorized by 32 CFR Part 2002, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), released September 14, 2016 and went into effect November 14, 2016. This course covers:

  • Purpose, goals and objectives
  • Introduces key CUI terminology and concepts
  • Covers CUI practices (designating, handing, marking, safeguarding and decontrol)
  • Summarizes how the CUI relates to other information and information management programs
  • Introduces the CUI Programs driving authorities
  • Covers the Federal CUI Program implementation requirements, compliance timeline and Interior's Implementation Compliance Plan.

Course restoration in progress 
Course restoration in progress copy 1 
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