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2024 Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events Training

Target Audience:  ​Any persons assisting with the Wild Horse & Burro Program including BLM employees, Contractors, and Partners.

This 1 hour long annual training class will provide learners with an overview of the comprehensive animal welfare standards that apply to Off-Range Corrals, Transportation and Adoption/Sale Events and an overview of the following:

  • What is Animal Welfare?
  • Why is Animal Welfare Important?
  • What is the CAWP?
  • What is the purpose of the WHB CAWP?
  • What components make up the CAWP?
  • How do the elements of the CAWP work?
  • How the assessment process works.
  • Required documentation and what are the responsibilities of the authorized officer.

Course Objectives: Completion of this course will enable you to:

  • Understand the importance of Animal Welfare.
  • Learn the standards of the CAWP for Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events.
  • Be informed on the CAWP assessment process at Off-Range Corrals, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events.

2025 Bicycle Subsidy Benefit Program

Target Audience:  All DOI employees who wish to obtain the bicycle subsidy benefit.

Description:  This course will provide an overview of the Federal government's bicycle subsidy benefit.  It will discuss benefit requirements, internal controls and participant roles and responsibilities.  Successful completion of this course is required for DOI employees who wish to obtain the bicycle subsidy benefit in FY 2025.

2025 Transit Benefit Integrity Awareness Training

Target Audience: All DOI employees who wish to obtain transit benefits in FY 2025.

Description: This course will provide an overview of the Federal government's transit benefit. It will discuss benefit requirements, internal controls and participant roles and responsibilities. Successful completion of this course is required for DOI employees who wish to obtain transit benefits in the FY 2025.

Click the course title link below to access the course.  Once you complete this course, be sure to print your Certificate of Completion.

NPS Museum Fire Protection Series (self-paced) 
Sound Sediment Science

Target Audience:  Hydrographers who work with sediment acoustic index method.

Summary and Objectives:  This web-based course will teach hydrographers the basic fundamentals of the sediment acoustic index method, using a single frequency ADVM, and how to establish a sediment acoustic index station. The material presented will summarize and augment information in the USGS Techniques and Methods 3C-5 report “Sediment Acoustic Index Method for Computing Continuous Suspended-Sediment Concentrations”. This web-based course provides introductory material and is a prerequisite to the full, week-long USGS course H-17-037 Acoustic Index Method for Estimating Fluvial Suspended Sediment. The course also is a valuable refresher for students who are already familiar with the sediment acoustic index method.

Course Contact: Paul Diaz Jr


This course will introduce you to the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), a critical piece of legislation that preserves and safeguards archeological sites across the United States. You’ll learn ARPA concepts through videos and audio clips, along with an in-depth review of an ARPA case and interactive course activities.  When you complete this 2 to 3 hour course, you will have a foundation for response to actual cases, field practice with an ARPA team, and more advanced learning.


  • Explain how an understanding of ARPA processes, laws, and law enforcement (LE) investigative techniques help you do your job to protect resources.
  • Describe the six Elements of ARPA
  • Explain the types and purposes of ARPA documentation.
  • Explain your role in an ARPA investigation.
  • Describe the role and responsibilities of the Assistant U.S. Attorney in ARPA cases.
  • Create an ARPA go-kit and preparedness plan.

Target Audience:

Archeologists, law enforcement officers, cultural resource specialists, legal professionals, superintendents, or any other professional responsible for protecting the nation's cultural resources.

Privacy for System Managers (RBPT)

This course is designed to provide Privacy Act System Managers with guidance on the handling and safeguarding of privacy protected information in the course of performing official duties in compliance with the Privacy Act and related privacy laws and policies.

DOI Incident Response (IR) Overview

This course is designed to provide staff with Privacy or Significant Security responsibilities with an Overview for departmental Incident Response (IR) policy and guidance. Learners will develop an understanding of guidance related to incidents and events. Training Objectives: • Define terms, identify organizations, and outline the general functions of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

  • Awareness of laws, Departmental policies, and procedures, and will identify best practices employed to protect against these threats.
  • Understand scenarios to build IR skills and identify potential issues that may be encountered during the IR processes. 

Subject Matter Expert: Lance Kelson

Information Management and Technology (IMT) Awareness Training
Target Audience: New Employees

Description:  As a part of the mandatory initial and annual Information Management and Technology (IMT) training, this course fulfills legal requirements for:

  • Privacy Awareness
  • Paper Reduction Act
  • Records Management Awareness
  • Section 508 Awareness
  • Federal Information System Security Awareness (FISSA)
  • Annual acknowledgement of Rules of Behavior for Computer Network Users
Supervisory Skill and Competency Refresher

Departmental policy and section 412.202 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations require all supervisors to receive and complete supervisory refresher training every three years of their career as a supervisor.  This certification has been assigned to you as a supervisor of record in the Department who is required to complete supervisory refresher training. 

To meet this requirement you will need to create a supervisory IDP to track your progress towards your supervisory development goal.   

This course is a self certification for the creation of a supervisory Refresher IDP. This course will be a part of the Supervisory Refresher certification and when a user creates and completes a supervisory IDP the user will mark this complete.

Basics of Museum Collections Care

This course is designed as an introduction to basic concepts of museum collections care and management for DOI employees, collateral duty employees, contractors, and volunteers. This course will help you to identify when it is appropriate and necessary to call a curator, conservator, or specialist.

IG Fraud Waste and Abuse

This course is the IG video

Integrated Charge Card Program Overview (170601) 
Purchase Business Line (170602) 
Travel Business Line (170603) 
A-450 Small UAS Basic Remote Pilot

This is the fundamental small UAS course for individuals wanting to become qualified to operate small UAS for the Department of the Interior (DOI)/US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USDA-FS). A-450 will utilize small UAS aircraft (less than 55lbs) to provide the basic academic and flight training necessary to conduct missions as Remote Pilot-in-Command (RPIC) for DOI/FS.

Candidates must be nominated by National UAS Program Managers or designee.

Students should meet the prerequisite requirements prior to attending A-450. Some required IAT courses may not be available prior to A-450 training selection, but UAS pilots must complete all IAT training requirements within 6 months of A-450 selection.

Note: For further information, contact your DOI National Aviation Manager or USFS Regional UAS Specialist for guidance regarding how to begin a UAS program.

M-3 Aviation Management Training for Supervisors

This course provides mandatory training required for all DOI managers and supervisors who are responsible for administering oversight of programs that utilize aviation personnel and resources, both manned and unmanned (UAS/Unmanned Aircraft Systems), to accomplish missions and flight activities.

Note: This course meets the DOI requirements of 352 DM (1.5 B)

A-200 Mishap Review

This course provides an annual overview of the National Transportation Safety Board releasable information from the DOI and USDA-FS aviation mishaps and lessons learned. Instructors authorized to teach this course are required to coordinate with the appropriate agency DOI OAS Chief, Aviation Safety, Training, Program Evaluations & Quality Management, or USDA-FS Regional Aviation Safety Manager (RASM).

For additional USDA-FS information, contact the USDA-FS National Aviation Training Program Manager.

A-100 Basic Aviation Safety (All Aircraft)

The purpose of this course is to provide the aviation user with a foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities, to safely utilize aircraft to accomplish agency missions. Topics include Mission Preparation and Planning, Pilot and Aircraft Briefings, Operational Safety, Post-Flight Duties, and UAS. Note: A-100 now Incorporates A-116 General Awareness Security Training, which is no longer a separate course.

A-110 Aviation Transport of HAZMAT

The Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Materials course purpose is to ensure flight safety when transporting hazardous materials (HAZMAT). This includes HAZMAT aboard, attached to, or suspended from government aircraft, under the exclusive direction and operational control of the Department of the Interior (DOI), the US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USDA-FS), or other Grantees with a written Grantee Status.

This training complies with the US Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulations General Requirements, whereby agency employees who transport hazardous materials by air must receive training on the requirements and conditions under the terms of the DOT Special Permit-9198.

Topics may include:
- Handling Procedures
- Policy Requirements
- Mishap Notification
- Packaging
- Identifying Hazardous Materials
- Safety Requirements

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