Target Audience: All BLM employees.
Description: The purpose of this training presentation is to provide you with information necessary to operate a Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) on the job for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
After successfully completing this on-line course you will have the basic knowledge necessary to participate in the required field training segment of BLM's UTV Operator training course (BLM-I-020).
Target Audience: USGS Employees
Summary and Objectives: The goal of this course is to provide students with the basic knowledge needed to attend the SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCPs training course, including a familiarity of:
- ADCP computation methods
- ADCP deployment methods
- Manufacturer software
- Field procedures when using ADCPs
Course Contact: SW1321 Instructional Team or Travis Knight
Description: This BLM 4X4 Safe Driving Program is designed to provide drivers with the knowledge to handle the increased challenges of driving off-highway vehicles. The program will give you a better understanding of the unique characteristics associated with 4X4 vehicles such as:
- Vehicle handling
- Preventive maintenance checks
- Cargo security
- Engaging and disengaging four-wheel drive systems
- Tire chain installation
- Vehicle recovery
You will also better understand the unique characteristics associated with driving vehicles on:
- Unpaved or poorly maintained surfaces
- Sand
- Snow
- Mud, and
- other conditions unique to off-highway driving
This course is strictly knowledge/comprehension base and will address the hands-on application that will occur in the field. Contact your local state safety lead for more information on Instructor-led hands-on training opportunities.
Target Audience: All DOI Employees
Summary and Objections: This is the self-certification for tracking purposes. This is a one time introductory course intended to enable Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinators to gain an understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Act and 29 CFR 1960, Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Programs as acquire basic knowledge of the OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standard.Note: This course meets the DOI/USGS requirement for initial training within 6 months of appointment and is the equivalent of the DOI/USGS developed alternative training venue "Safety: Collateral Duty Safety Officer LPT1" and "Safety: Collateral Duty Safety Officer LPT2" Training.
Intended Audience: Hydrographers whose duties include establishing elevations of survey reference marks at streamgages and wells and others that work with geodetic control of spatial datas that requires Level II NAVD 88 elevations.
Course Summary and Learning Objectives:
- This course has two online modules to complete. Both must be completed before your transcript will show a "Complete" status.
- After participating in the course, students should have a better understanding of the materials and methods used to
install geodetic bench marks that meet NGS standards. Adherence to NGS standards will provide consistency in elevation information used in USGS products and save time and money. - The course will help the USGS to ensure that the vertical datum for projects mimics NAVD 88 with Level II accuracy (generally within 0.26 feet) (Office of Water Information Technical memorandum 2002.01).
NOTE: If you need to leave the course at any time, please Exit the course and open it again after the interruption. DOI Talent will log you off after several minutes of inactivity and it will not log your completion status for the course.
- Editing Trainer: Stacey Clarke