Course Code: 2024-BLM-TC-4700-13-eDOIU
Target Audience: Any persons assisting/attending Wild Horse and Burros Gathers including BLM employees, Contractors, and Partners.
This 1 hour long online annual training class will provide learners with an overview of the comprehensive animal welfare standards that apply to Wild Horse and Burro Gathers and an overview of the following:
- What is Animal Welfare?
- Why is Animal Welfare Important?
- What is the CAWP?
- What is the purpose of the WHB CAWP?
- What components make up the CAWP?
- How do the elements of the CAWP work?
- How the assessment process works
- Required documentation and what are the responsibilities of the Lead COR/COR/PI
Course Objectives: After completion you will:
- Understand the importance of Animal Welfare.
- Know the standards of the CAWP for Wild Horse and Burro Gathers.
- Be informed on the CAWP assessment process at Wild Horse and Burro Gathers.