Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Module

Target Audience:  New DOI employees who were directed to complete this training prior to onboarding.

Summary and Objectives:  The Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Module is an introduction to the Federal CUI Program that was authorized by 32 CFR Part 2002, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), released September 14, 2016 and went into effect November 14, 2016. This course covers:

  • Purpose, goals and objectives
  • Introduces key CUI terminology and concepts
  • Covers CUI practices (designating, handing, marking, safeguarding and decontrol)
  • Summarizes how the CUI relates to other information and information management programs
  • Introduces the CUI Programs driving authorities
  • Covers the Federal CUI Program implementation requirements, compliance timeline and Interior's Implementation Compliance Plan.