USGS Bayesian Updating of Land-Cover (BULC)

Target Audience:  Individuals who will benefit from this course include:

  1. Remote sensing specialists in countries reporting to REDD+
  2. Officials working on uncertainty and data analysis for carbon accounting
  3. Students of remote sensing in forestry applications

Summary and Objectives:  This e-Learning course will introduce you to the implementation of the BULC algorithm in Google Earth Engine, or BULC and how it can be used to monitor and forecast forest health. By the end of this course, you will learn about:

  1. How BULC algorithms distinguish the disturbances and changes in the forest in a different time series.
  2. The methodology and purpose of the Bayesian Updating of Land-Cover algorithm.
  3. Explore the requirements to run the BULC algorithm.

This course requires a basic understanding of the use of the Google Earth Engine platform.

System Requirements:  The online version of this course runs on the latest version of Microsoft edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. There is no downloadable version of the course currently.

Course Contact:  Monica Jeada or Sylvia Wilson