The supervisors in DOI are the bond between our departmental and bureau strategies and performance. The Department of the Interior (DOI) has the express quality of touching the lives of our American people every day. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have detailed guidance to agencies to develop a quality supervisory workforce with essential competencies. They distinguish the competency needs throughout a supervision lifecycle, and DOI has adopted that model and categories as our program framework.

Departmental policy and section 412.202 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations require all supervisors to receive and complete supervisory refresher training every three years of their career as a supervisor.  This certification has been assigned to you as a supervisor of record in the Department who is required to complete supervisory refresher training. 

To meet this requirement you will need to create a supervisory IDP to track your progress towards your supervisory development goal.   

This course is a self certification for the creation of a supervisory Refresher IDP. This course will be a part of the Supervisory Refresher certification and when a user creates and completes a supervisory IDP the user will mark this complete.